How to resolve the [noerrorobjectavailable] script error.?

2.2K    Asked by ClaudineTippins in Salesforce , Asked on Apr 19, 2023
I have a LWC that is used in different orgs. In one of them, when I dispatch an event like:
this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'press' ));
I am getting the [NoErrorObjectAvailable] Script error in that line (as per the Stack trace).

If I comment that line, then the error disappears.

This is the most similar question I have found but I am making no use of so unfortunately it does not help.

What can I be doing wrong?

Answered by David Edmunds

To resolve the [noerrorobjectavailable] script error.-

This error occurred when we were using "cmp or any different value" than what is being passed in the parameter which is "component".
In the second line of code, when we changed "cmp" to "component" - the error got resolved. handleSave : function(component, event, helper) {
var action = cmp.get("c.shareActionPlanTemplates"); action.setCallback(this, function(response) { var state = response.getState(); if (state === "SUCCESS") { // alert("From server: " + response.getReturnValue()); console.log(response.getReturnValue()); } else if (state === "INCOMPLETE") { // do something } else if (state === "ERROR") { var errors = response.getError(); if (errors) { if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) { console.log("Error message: " + errors[0].message); } } else { console.log("Unknown error"); } } }); $A.enqueueAction(action); },

Your Answer

Answer (1)

The [NoErrorObjectAvailable] script error typically occurs in web browsers when there's an issue with accessing or manipulating the Error object. This error message suggests that the browser is unable to access the error object at a certain point in your JavaScript code execution.

Here are some steps you can take to resolve this error:

Check Browser Compatibility: Ensure that the JavaScript code you've written is compatible with the browsers you're targeting. Different browsers may handle errors and error objects differently.

Review Error Handling: Double-check your error handling code. Make sure you're correctly catching and handling errors where they occur. If you're using try-catch blocks, ensure they're properly structured.

Verify Error Object Usage: If you're directly manipulating the Error object, make sure you're doing so correctly. For example, accessing properties or methods of the Error object should be done in a way that's supported across different browsers.

Debugging: Use browser developer tools to debug your JavaScript code. Look for the specific line or section of code where the [NoErrorObjectAvailable] error is occurring. Inspect variables and the state of your code at that point to identify any issues.

Testing Environment: Ensure that you're testing your code in a controlled environment. Sometimes, issues like this can arise due to differences between development and production environments, or due to interactions with other scripts or extensions.

Update Libraries: If you're using any third-party libraries or frameworks, make sure they're up-to-date. Older versions of libraries may have compatibility issues with newer browser versions.

Consult Documentation: Check the documentation for the JavaScript features you're using, as well as the documentation for the specific browsers you're targeting. This can provide insights into any known issues or best practices for error handling.

By carefully reviewing your code, ensuring proper error handling, and debugging any issues that arise, you should be able to resolve the [NoErrorObjectAvailable] script error.

8 Months


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