How to solve the error: unable to authorize salesforce org using SFDX: trailhead ?

488    Asked by Dhruvtiwari in Salesforce , Asked on Sep 4, 2023

 I have installed VS code and salesforce CLI. When I am working on the salesforce trailhead lightning web component, and I try to authorize an org, I get the error

: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND 

I added prexy settings in VS code like the code below: 

Can I know how to solve this issue?

Answered by Dhruv tiwari

You can follow the following steps to solve the issue:

1. Log in to the trailhead org.

2. Log out and copy your URL after logging out.

3. Now you have to use the URL to SFDX force: auth web: login–sat alias vscodeOrg– instance– set default username.

You can also run a SFDX command from the command line, which is provided below. sfdx force:auth:web: login -a You can reinstall selsefoese CLI. After that, apply the SFDX version sfdx-cli/7.82.0-3d0c527ac6linux-x64node-v-12.18.3. And the latest LTS: 14.15.4. Use nvm to install the node and use it as a default version. Another way is to deactivate the Windows Defender.

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