How to Split string method in salesforce Apex?

6.9K    Asked by JamesSCOTT in Salesforce , Asked on Aug 17, 2021

Need to split a string by the first occurrence of a specific character like '-' in 'this-is-test-data'. so what i want is when I do split it will return 'this' in zero indexes and rest in first index.

Answered by Kaalappan shingh

Use String.split(regExp, limit) method:

Documentation says

Returns a list that contains each substring of the String that is terminated by either the regular expression regExp or the end of the String.


    String str = 'this-is-test-data'; List res = str.split('-', 2); System.debug(res);


    15:16:58:001 USER_DEBUG [3]|DEBUG|(this, is-test-data)

Here we have Splitting String string methods salesforce:

Splitting String Example in Salesforce Apex Class:

    Ex:1. string s = 'first. second'; ...

Note: if you are splitting the string using special characters like (.,*, etc) then use a backslash before the special character.

    Ex:2. string sString = 'theblogreaders*salesforce';

Your Answer

Answer (1)

In Salesforce Apex, you can split a string into an array of substrings using the split() method available on the String class. This method takes a delimiter as an argument and returns an array of strings.

Here's an example of how you can use the split() method:

String originalString = 'apple,banana,orange';
List splitStrings = originalString.split(',');

In this example, the original string "apple,banana,orange" is split into substrings based on the delimiter ",", resulting in an array splitStrings containing three elements: "apple", "banana", and "orange".

You can adjust the delimiter according to your specific use case. If you want to split based on a different delimiter, simply replace ',' with the desired delimiter.

Keep in mind that if the delimiter is not found in the original string, the split() method will return an array containing the original string as the only element.

Here's an example:

String originalString = 'apple-banana-orange';
List splitStrings = originalString.split(',');

In this case, since the delimiter ',' is not found in the original string, the split() method will return an array containing the original string "apple-banana-orange" as the only element in splitStrings.

Remember to handle any potential exceptions that may occur, such as NullPointerException if the original string is null.

10 Months


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