How to use simple salesforce (python library for salesforce) to add ShippingAddress field?
I have tried to upsert an account with Shipping Address using simple salesforce However, I am getting the error:
[{u'errorCode': u'JSON_PARSER_ERROR', u'message': u'Cannot deserialize instance of ShippingAddress from VALUE_STRING value abc or request may be missing a required field at [line:1, column:31]'}]
Below is my query.
'Name': 'abc',
'RecordTypeId': '0121U000000G51AbC',
'ShippingAddress': {
'City': 'abc',
'Country': 'USA',
'Street': 'Town Hall',
'CountryCode': None,
'PostalCode': None,
'State': None,
'StateCode': None,
'Accuracy': None,
'Latitude': None,
'Longitude': None,
Any idea on how I can upsert shipping addresses properly using simple salesforce?
Based on how the Address Compound Field works and just by looking at simple-salesforce docs, it seems you just need to use the individual compound field names here in your request without having the ShippingAddress attribute.
Your request should look as:
'Name': 'abc',
'RecordTypeId': '0121U000000G51AbC',
'ShippingCity': 'abc',
'ShippingStreet': 'Town Hall',