How to use StandardController from visualforce Component

222    Asked by Aashishchaursiya in Salesforce , Asked on Apr 22, 2021

I have a single VisualForce Page and multiple Components, and each component have different controllers for individual operations. But in one of the VisualForce Components I want to upload a document to the S3 bucket;

So to achieve this functionality without the view state limit error I have started with a scratch and created a VF page with StandardController "Document" and extension with custom controller and it worked well for me.

But the same thing I want to use inside a Visualforce Component, but I am not able to use StandardController salesforce. What is the standard controller in Salesforce?

Answered by tom Ellison

Visualforce Components can only take custom controllers, and cannot use standard controllers with custom extensions. You will need to build the controller yourself.

StandardSetController objects allow you to create list controllers similar to, or as extensions of, the pre-built Visualforce list controllers provided by Salesforce.

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