I am getting an error ID: -78170657 [duplicate]. What does that imply?

506    Asked by DianaCampbell in Salesforce , Asked on Sep 6, 2023

When I log into Salesforce, I get the below-stated error:

This page has an error. You might want to refresh it. Firstly, we want you to give us some details(Reporting this error as ID:-78170657). Is this a salesforce error id lookup?

This is occurring on the initial page load. Ideas to resolve this issue are welcomed. https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/376021/what-is-error-id-78170657

Answered by Dhruv tiwari

 Multiple customers have reported the GACKs(-78170657)(-745221428). "Service Disruption - Multiple Instances Using Lightning CDN" is related to it, which was also posted on https://status.salesforce.com/generalmessages/962. Please reload your browser after clearing the cache and cookies and then attempt to access Salesforce; as of May 12, 2022, the issue was resolved at 01:26 UTC, as per the trust site.

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