Keep Getting Error “Bad Message 431”
Starting today, I keep getting the error "Bad Message 431", followed by "reason: Request Header Fields Too Large" when I refresh a console page in Salesforce. The page is I'm using the latest version of Google Chrome. If I clear the cache, close and restart the browser, I can get to the page, but when I try to refresh the console, I keep getting this error.
Any ideas what could be happening and why this just started today? Why getting this http error 431? Thank You
This happened to me today (Chrome - Developer Console)
The issue was I had lots of code from previous Execute Anonymous sessions that had been commented out. As I added new lines to the top such as below, I pushed the character limit as sent via Tooling API past the max value
Lead[] leads = new list { new Lead(Company = 'Foo00', LastName = 'LName00'), new Lead(Company = 'Foo01', LastName = 'LName01') }; insert leads; leads[0].Company = 'Foo00Changed'; leads[1].Company = 'Foo01Changed'; leads[1].Website = ''; // force partial success by failing this in VR Database.SaveResult[] results = Database.update(leads,false); // allow partial success /* many lines of code previously entered for prior tests. "Many" was in the hundreds */
By deleting some of those lines of commented out code, you can resolve http error 431.