Update vs Upsert vs Insert - Explain the difference?

860    Asked by JohnDurso in Salesforce , Asked on Apr 27, 2023

I'm trying to understand when to use insert/update/upsert. As I understand, upsert is a combination of insert and update. I tend to use upsert most often as I do not have to check whether an object is a new object or an existing object. I do not see a reason to use update or insert since upsert calls would work for these calls. Is there a reason I should not be using upsert and instead use the other two?

Answered by Diya tomar

Update vs Upsert vs Insert


Always use to create new records

  Support generic SObject type insert


  Must NOT have id in the Sobject instance


  Always use to update the record
  Support generic Sobject type updates


  Must have ID in the Sobject instance


Always used in case when INSERT and UPSERT both. It is possible on Sobject depending on whether the ID is present in instance or not.
If ID is present it will UPDATE otherwise, INSERT
We can use External Id type to update the Sobject in case the instance doesn't have an ID in it.
Ex: upsert SObjectList External_Id__c


It does not support generic Sobject type. You will have to Specify the CustomObject.

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