What are methods used in creating a new line in HTML?

373    Asked by dhanan_7781 in Salesforce , Asked on Nov 14, 2023

I was working on a software development project and I wanted to display facts in breaking the content for better readability. However, when I attempted to add line breaks I found an issue as the lines were not displaying as I required on the web page. Provide me with the solution. 

Answered by Delbert Rauch

If you want to create an HTML new line in the hypertext markup language (HTML) then there are several methods. One of the common methods is the
tags. It creates a new line by breaking within the content. It allows you to produce a line break without any additional spacing. For example:-

 This is a sentence. 
This is another sentence.
This is a third sentence.
This is a sentence.
This is another sentence.
This is a third sentence.

The result in each refers to the new line, due to the use of tag. However, you should remember one important fact this particular tag is not for formatting entire web pages. You are recommended that you use the particular tag in smaller-scale line breaks, such as addresses, and poetry where a new line is essential without starting a new paragraph.

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