What are the benefits and limitations of using t3?

142    Asked by debbieJha in Salesforce , Asked on May 20, 2024

There is a scenario where I am a cloud infrastructure architect and I am tasked with optimization of cost and performance for a growing startup. The CTO wants to migrate their application to AWS and is considering using EC2 Instance. How can I explain the benefits and limitations of using t3? Small Instance specifically in this scenario? 

Answered by debbie Jha

 In the context of AWS, the t3.small Instance type on AWS EC2 is designed for applications with moderate COU performance requirements. It is a part of the burstable performance instances, which means it can provide a baseline level of CPU Performance with the ability to burst beyond that level for short periods when needed.

Here are the benefits of using t3.small Instance:-

Cost efficiency

T3.small Instances are relatively low cost as compared to larger Instance types, making them suitable for startups looking to optimize costs.

Burstable performance

The burstable CPU performance can allow handling occasional spikes in workload without a significant increase in cost.


As the startup grows, it is easy to scale by adding more t3.small instances or upgrading to a larger Instance type if needed.

Here are the limitations given:-

Limited CPU performance

The baseline CPU performance may not be sufficient for CPU-intensive applications or sustained high workloads.

Burstable credit

For the purpose of maintaining burstable performance, t3.small Instance accumulated CPU credit during a low usage period, which can be a concern if the workload is consistently high.

Here is the Python fide given of how you can launch a t3.small Instance by using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3):-

Import boto3

# Initialize Boto3 client for EC2

Ec2_client = boto3.client(‘ec2’)
# Define parameters for instance launch
Ami_id = ‘ami-12345678’ # Replace with actual AMI ID
Key_name = ‘my-key-pair’ # Replace with actual key pair name
Subnet_id = ‘subnet-12345678’ # Replace with actual subnet ID
Security_group_ids = [‘sg-12345678’] # Replace with actual security group IDs
# Launch t3.small instance
Response = ec2_client.run_instances(

# Extract instance ID from the response

Instance_id = response[‘Instances’][0][‘InstanceId’]
Print(f”Launched t3.small instance with Instance ID: {instance_id}”)

Here is the Java-based coding given to launch a t3.small Instance:-

Import software.amazon.awssdk.auth.credentials.DefaultCredentialsProvider;
Import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region;
Import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ec2.Ec2Client;
Import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ec2.model.*;
Public class LaunchT3SmallInstance {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Set up the EC2 client
        Ec2Client ec2 = Ec2Client.builder()
                .region(Region.US_WEST_2) // Replace with your desired region
        // Specify the parameters for the instance launch
        RunInstancesRequest request = RunInstancesRequest.builder()
                .imageId(“ami-12345678”) // Replace with actual AMI ID
                .keyName(“my-key-pair”) // Replace with actual key pair name
                .subnetId(“subnet-12345678”) // Replace with actual subnet ID
                .securityGroupIds(“sg-12345678”) // Replace with actual security group ID
        // Launch the instance
        RunInstancesResponse response = ec2.runInstances(request);
        // Extract the Instance ID from the response
        String instanceId = response.instances().get(0).instanceId();
        System.out.println(“Launched t3.small instance with Instance ID: “ + instanceId);

Here is an example given in HTML of how you can create a simple HTML form for input parameters and trigger the launch of a t3.small Instance by using AWS lambda and API gateways. This example assumes that you already have an AWS lambda function set up to launch EC2 Instance:-

    Launch t3.small Instance

    Launch t3.small Instance


        AMI ID:


        Key Pair Name:


        Subnet ID:


        Security Group ID:




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