What are the number of standard profiles in Salesforce?

624    Asked by BuffyHeaton in Salesforce , Asked on Feb 8, 2023

I have a developer org and in that I have observed different set of 18 standard profiles while http://ap1.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/standard_profiles.htm link demonstrated another set of 18 profiles.I'm confused totally,Please help with the correct number of standard profiles.

Answered by Clare Matthews

There are six (6) standard profiles in Salesforce. Additional standard profiles will appear when certain conditions are met within an organisation, such as enabling Chatter, Partner Portal, Customer Portal, or Sites. The link posted in the original question does not appear to include all possible profiles that are available. For example, there are legacy standard profiles for licence types that can no longer be purchased, and there are yet other profiles and licence types that are used internally within salesforce.com and are not available to organisations, yet would still count as standard profiles. The actual list of standard profiles probably exceeds 40

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