What is metadata in Salesforce?

311    Asked by AashnaSaito in Salesforce , Asked on Sep 22, 2022

I was looking through the working of VF page and I read that it saves the instruction as metadata. Can anybody explain to me in simple words what is metadata?

Answered by Ayushi gupta

Metadata in Salesforce is basically "data that describes other data".

For example, in Salesforce you can query data like this:

  SELECT FirstName FROM Contact WHERE FirstName='Mike'

Salesforce also provides metadata tables that describe code and configuration:

SELECT Id FROM ApexClass WHERE ApiVersion < 25>

The Metadata API provides even more detail about code, objects, profiles, reports, and many more items http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_meta/index.htm

The Force.com IDE for Eclipse plug-in uses the Metadata API to keep local files in sync with Salesforce.

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