What is the CURRENT_DATE or current date value function for SQL Server?

953    Asked by rachit_6798 in Salesforce , Asked on Aug 23, 2021

What is the SQL Server functionality that allows you to get the current date as a DATE type like the SQL Standard's CURRENT_DATE feature. What is the for SQL Server?

Using PostgreSQL, I'm looking for something like,

SELECT CURRENT_DATE; current_date -------------- 2018-06-27 (1 row)

How to get SQL server current date?

Answered by yash Jaiteley

To get the current date and time in SQL Server current date, use the GETDATE() function. This function returns a datetime data type; in other words, it contains both the date and the time, e.g. 2019-08-20 10:22:34 .

Or you can use, SYSDATETIME (return type datetime2), with the difference being the precision up to nanoseconds for SYSDATETIME().


  SELECT GETDATE() fn_GetDate, SYSDATETIME() fn_SysDateTime


fn_GetDate fn_SysDateTime2018-06-27 10:31:18.963 2018-06-27 10:31:18.9659170

See Date and Time Data Types and Functions (Transact-SQL) in the product documentation.

For completeness, SQL Server also recognises CURRENT_DATE as mentioned in the question, as an ODBC scalar function:


This returns varchar(10), so would need an explicit cast or convert to the date data type:


The built-in functions are recommended over ODBC scalar functions.

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