What is the difference between lead vs contact?

528    Asked by Aalapprabhakaran in Salesforce , Asked on Mar 29, 2024

I am a Salesforce administrator for a sales team and I am currently designing the lead management processes. How can I differentiate between leads and contacts in Salesforce and what criteria should I use to determine when a lead should be converted into a contact? 

 In the context of Salesforce, here are the differences given between lead vs contact:-

Lead represents potential customers or prospects who have shown interest in your particular Service or even products however, they are yet not qualified as contacts. On the other hand, the contacts are individuals with whom you have established relationships.

Here is an example given of how you can create a lead record in Salesforce by using the Python programming language:-

From simple_salesforce import Salesforce

# Salesforce credentials
Username = ‘your_username’
Password = ‘your_password’
Security_token = ‘your_security_token’
Sandbox = False # Change to True if using a Salesforce sandbox environment
# Initialize Salesforce API connection
Sf = Salesforce(username=username, password=password, security_token=security_token, sandbox=sandbox)
# Create a Lead record
Lead_data = {
    ‘FirstName’: ‘John’,
    ‘LastName’: ‘Doe’,
    ‘Company’: ‘ABC Inc’,
    ‘Email’: ‘johndoe@example.com’,
    ‘Phone’: ‘123-456-7890’
    # Add more fields as needed
    # Insert the Lead record
    Print(‘Lead record created successfully.’)
Except Exception as e:
    Print(‘Error creating Lead record:’, e)

Here is an example given of how you can create a contact record in Salesforce by using the Python programming language:-

// Define a class that creates a Contact record
Public class CreateContactExample {
    Public static void createContact(String firstName, String lastName, String email) {
        Contact newContact = new Contact();
        newContact.FirstName = firstName;
        newContact.LastName = lastName;
        newContact.Email = email;
        // You can set other fields as needed, such as Phone, AccountId, etc.
        // Insert the new Contact record
        Try {
            Insert newContact;
            System.debug(‘Contact created successfully with Id: ‘ + newContact.Id);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.debug(‘Error creating Contact: ‘ + e.getMessage());

Here is an example given for lead conversion into a contact by using the apex code in Salesforce:-

// Assume leadId is the Id of the lead you want to convert
Id leadId = ‘00QXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’; // Replace with the actual Lead Id
// Query the Lead record to retrieve necessary information
Lead leadToConvert = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Company, Email, Phone FROM Lead WHERE Id = :leadId];
// Create a new Contact record using lead information
Contact convertedContact = new Contact(
    FirstName = leadToConvert.FirstName,
    LastName = leadToConvert.LastName,
    AccountId = ‘001XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’, // Assign the Account Id as per your business logic
    Email = leadToConvert.Email,
    Phone = leadToConvert.Phone,
    // Map other relevant lead fields to contact fields
// Insert the contact record
Insert convertedContact;
// Mark the lead as converted and associate it with the new contact
Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert();
Lc.setConvertedStatus(‘Qualified’); // Set the converted status as per your picklist values
Lc.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(true); // Optionally, set to true if you don’t want to create an opportunity
// Convert the lead
Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc);
// Check if the lead conversion was successful
If (lcr.isSuccess()) {
    System.debug(‘Lead converted successfully.’);
} else {
    System.debug(‘Lead conversion failed. Errors: ‘ + lcr.getErrors());

Lead conversion criteria

You can set up lead-scoring rules based on criteria such as engagement level, demographics, etc.

You can use the lead qualifications process to assess if the lead meets your ideal customer profile and has the potential for conversion into a paying customer.

You should determine if the lead represents a decision maker or influencers within their organization.

You can convert the contact to a lead by creating a new lead record and copying relevant information from the contact. Here is an example given of how you can do so by using the apex code:-

// Assume contactId is the Id of the contact you want to convert back to lead
Id contactId = ‘003XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’; // Replace with the actual Contact Id
// Query the Contact record to retrieve necessary information
Contact contactToConvert = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, AccountId, Email, Phone FROM Contact WHERE Id = :contactId];
// Create a new Lead record using contact information
Lead convertedLead = new Lead(
    FirstName = contactToConvert.FirstName,
    LastName = contactToConvert.LastName,
    Company = contactToConvert.AccountId, // Assuming AccountId represents Company for leads
    Email = contactToConvert.Email,
    Phone = contactToConvert.Phone,
    Status = ‘Open’, // Set lead status as needed
    // Map other relevant contact fields to lead fields
// Insert the lead record
Insert convertedLead;
System.debug(‘Lead converted successfully with Id: ‘ + convertedLead.Id);

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