What is the importance of creating a test for a scheduled class?

336    Asked by Deepalisingh in Salesforce , Asked on Feb 5, 2024

I am currently developing a particular scheduled apex class in the environment of Salesforce for performing periodic data processing units. Explain to me the importance of creating a test class for my scheduled class. What are the key considerations that should be kept in mind? 

Answered by Daniel Cameron

In the context of Salesforce, it Is important to create a test class for your scheduled apex class so that you can verify its behavior in a controlled environment. Here are the key considerations includes:-

Isolation of test data

You can use the @isTest annotations for the task of isolation test data from the organization’s data. You can create test data within the test class itself for the task of simulation of the conditions under which the scheduled job would be run.

Simulating scheduled execution

You can use the “test. Started()” and “test.stopTest()” methods for the task of simulation the starting and even ending of a transaction.

Assertions and verifications

You can include assertions also in the test class to verify that the scheduled job should perform the operations that have been intended. You can check for the expected changes in data, record counts, or even any other outcomes that are based on the scheduled job’s functionality.

Testing governor limits

You can evaluate the impacts of the scheduled job on the governor limits such as the SOQL queries and even DML statements. Try to ensure that the scheduled job operates within the limits that were defined so that it can prevent issues during the real implementation process.

Here is the simplified example given of a test class for a scheduled apex class:-

Private class MyScheduledClassTest {
    Static void testScheduledJob() {
        // Set up test data
        // Perform Test.startTest() to simulate scheduled job execution
        // Trigger the scheduled job or execute its logic
        // Assertions and verifications based on expected outcomes
        System.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);

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