Manage Package upgrade failure- couldn't retrieve component X's design time component information?

1.3K    Asked by ChrisDyer in Salesforce , Asked on Sep 6, 2023

A Managed Package version 1.1 has been released by me and installed on both Developer Org D1 as well as Sandbox Org S1.

Later on, I released a Major version 1.2 by adding a new Lightning Component and Lightning Record Page to the Package, and I upgraded D1 to 1.2

However, I got an error as I tried to upgrade S1 from 1.1 to 1.2, and the installation failed. The error was as follows: 

What is this message "We couldn't retrieve the design time component information for component X" and the difference between Developer Org and Sandbox Org? Please note that All Lightning pages have access = “global.”

Answered by Dhruv tiwari

This might be because the page that calls a component is not in the targeted org. You can add that to your Package to fix it. This is a known matter to Salesforce; therefore, a patch fix is issued for all instances. The issue is specifically for Summer 17(Sandbox Org) and does not occur in Spring 17(Developer Org). An error appears when I insert LWC metadata into AURA metadata on the Package to deploy.

For example:

This is the way I write:
MyLWC AuraDefinitionBundle>
But the correct writing is:
MyLWC LightningComponentBundle>

Your Answer

Answer (1)

Managing package upgrade failures, especially those involving components whose design-time information cannot be retrieved, can be complex. Here are steps you can follow to diagnose and resolve this issue:

1. Check Compatibility:

Ensure that the package or component you're trying to upgrade is compatible with your current environment, including the versions of other dependencies.

2. Review Logs:

Check the logs for more detailed error messages. These logs can provide specific information about what went wrong.

3. Clear Cache:

Corrupt cache can sometimes cause issues. Clearing the cache might resolve the problem.

  # For npm (Node.js)npm cache clean --force# For Composer (PHP)composer clear-cache# For pip (Python)pip cache purge

4. Reinstall the Package:

Uninstalling and then reinstalling the package can sometimes resolve issues.

  # For npm (Node.js)npm uninstall package-namenpm install package-name# For Composer (PHP)composer remove package-namecomposer require package-name# For pip (Python)pip uninstall package-namepip install package-name

5. Check for Missing Dependencies:

Ensure that all required dependencies are installed and correctly configured.

  # For npm (Node.js)npm install# For Composer (PHP)composer install# For pip (Python)pip install -r requirements.txt

6. Consult Documentation:

Review the official documentation for the package or component. There might be specific instructions or known issues related to the upgrade process.

7. Check for Conflicting Packages:

Ensure that there are no package conflicts. Sometimes, certain versions of packages may not work well together.

  # For npm (Node.js)npm list# For Composer (PHP)composer show# For pip (Python)pip list

8. Run Upgrade with Verbose Logging:

Running the upgrade command with verbose logging can provide more insights into what is going wrong.

  # For npm (Node.js)npm install --verbose# For Composer (PHP)composer update -vvv# For pip (Python)pip install -U package-name --verbose
8 Months


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