Why using only variable references is recommended when constructing dynamic SOQL/SOSL queries?

371    Asked by CelinaLagunas in Salesforce , Asked on Feb 14, 2024

 I am a Salesforce developer and I have been tasked with optimization of the performance of a complex query in my particular application. Explain to me why using only variable references is recommended during the time of constructing dynamic SOQL/ SOSL queries. How can I ensure the best practices while maintaining the flexibility for building dynamic queries based on the input of users or other dynamic criteria? 

Answered by Daniel Cameron

 In the context of Salesforce, here are the explanations given for adhering to the best practices of using only variable references in dynamic SOQL/SOSL queries:

During the time of constructing the dynamic SOSL/SOQL queries, using only the variable references instead of directly Concatenating values can help prevent the vulnerabilities of SOSL/SOQL. The direct Concatenating user input can expose the application to security risks such as SQL Injection attacks.

Variable references can ensure that the query should be parameterized and even the values should be escaped properly which further would help in reducing the risk of malicious Injection.

You can use the variables or even parameterized queries including the values which are dynamic in the query string.

The bind variables which are placeholders in the query string can be reached with the real values at runtime which can help in ensuring proper handling.

Here is an example given of how you can construct a dynamic SOQL query with only variable references in Apex:

String searchTerm = ‘Acme’; // Example dynamic value
String dynamicQuery = ‘SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE earchTerm’;
List searchResults = Database.query(dynamicQuery);

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