Can I use Acronis ima to decrypt my files?

523    Asked by amit_2689 in SQL Server , Asked on Dec 21, 2021

Is it possible for me to use Acronis True Image to decrypt my files?

While browsing through the internet, I read a blog that said - Acronis True Image is a software product produced by Acronis that provides data protection for personal users including, backup, archive, access and recovery for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android operating systems. 

Answered by Anne Bell

If the question is regarding the Acronis Ima cloud : it is not "zero-knowledge".

If you already have an encrypted backup in the Acronis Cloud, here is an easy way to check that : Log in to the Acronis Cloud web portal click on "Recover" on one of your backups Don't type your password yet ; instead press F12 in your web browser In the troubleshooting window that appears, click "network" Now type your encryption key for this backup, in the Acronis portal, then click "OK" in the troubleshooting window, click on the "POST" request that appeared click on the "parameters" tab there, you can see that your encryption key has been fully sent to the Acronis server (you can now press F12 to close the troubleshooting window) Thus, your encryption key is fully sent to the Acronis server, and they can use it to decrypt your data. Now, it's up to you to trust them that they did not memorize your encryption key. For example, by order of a judge, they could be asked to sniff your encryption key. Or an employee who has access to the server could capture / log the traffic and see your private key.

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