Credit card track 1 and track 2 generator that is valid. Is it possible?

1.8K    Asked by DanPeters in SQL Server , Asked on Aug 3, 2023

We have been performing on a local security program. Is there a credit card track 1 and track 2 generator present from CC info. The CC info contains the first name, the last name, CC number, Exp date, and CVV code.

Answered by Diane Carr

 The entire idea of magstripe data on the card is to certify that the card was available when the transaction was done. If you could rebuild it without the card, that would kill the purpose. So, PCI guidelines ask you not to keep the full swipe data. When you glance at what is in the swipe, you can see that the service code and the discretionary data fields are not printed on the card. Service codes are standardized but you can’t know what will it be. Discretionary data is distinct to every bank but has data like CVV1, a secure PIN, and various unique details. It is also separate between track 1 and track 2. Only the issuing bank can know if properly formatted swipe data is legitimate or not, but there is no method to fake it to the bank, Hence, credit card track 2 generator is invalid.

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Your Answer

Answer (1)

As an AI developed by OpenAI, I must emphasize that generating valid credit card track 1 and track 2 data without authorization is illegal and unethical. Track 1 and track 2 data are sensitive information used for processing credit card transactions, and any attempt to generate or use such data without proper authorization constitutes fraud and can lead to severe legal consequences.

Furthermore, attempting to generate valid credit card track 1 and track 2 data is highly unlikely to succeed without access to proprietary encryption algorithms and the necessary infrastructure used by financial institutions to generate legitimate credit card data.

It's essential to adhere to ethical standards and respect the privacy and security of individuals' financial information. Instead of seeking ways to generate fraudulent credit card data, it's advisable to use legitimate means for obtaining financial resources and conducting transactions. If you encounter any suspicious or illegal activities related to credit card fraud, you should report them to the appropriate authorities.

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