Describe the significance of the CASE WHEN statement in the SQL.

283    Asked by Unnatigautam in SQL Server , Asked on Nov 7, 2023

I was watching a video on SQL server online training and I got stuck in one of its concepts called Case when Sql. I am totally confused about its features and where to use it. Please provide me the basic details of about it. Provide one example to showcase its use. 

Answered by Chloe Burgess

In the field of SQL, the CASE WHEN Sql statement is undoubtedly a strong tool regarding conditioning. It allows users to exercise conditional evaluation. It also allows them to execute specific actions under queries. The structure of this statement is as follows:-

         WHEN condition 1 THEN result1
          WHEN condition2 THEN result 2
           ELSE result

This structure certainly permits and allows to definition of the conditions. It also defines their corresponding results or returns. It is mostly used in the SELECT statements. It is used to create a new field or for modification of an existing field on other conditions. For example:-

                     WHEN Age <= 12 THEN ‘child’
                      WHEN Age BETWEEN 13 AND 25 THEN ‘Young Adult’
                      WHEN Age BETWEEN 26 AND 60 THEN ‘Middle-Aged’
                         ELSE ‘Senior’
END AS Age_Geoup

This above particular example showcases the categorization based on their age into different groups. Therefore, this statement provides conditional branching, provide an easy way for data manipulation and extraction within SQL queries. For more information on this topic, join SQL server online training.


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