Detecting steganography in images

489    Asked by Aashishchaursiya in SQL Server , Asked on Nov 29, 2021

I recently came across an odd JPEG file: Resolution 400x600 and a filesize of 2.9 MB. This got me suspicious and I suspected that there is some additional information hidden. I tried some straight forward things: open the file with some archive tools; tried to read its content with an editor, but I couldn't find anything interresting.

Now my questions: What else can I do? Are there any tools (like some stego detect tool) available that analyze images for hidden data? Perhaps a tool that scans for known file headers?

Stego detect kind of software don't exist yet. Stego detection really comes down to statistical analysis (not a subject I know very well). But here are a few pages that may help you out.

  • Steganography Countermeasures and detection - Wikipedia page worth a read to cover the basics.
  • An Overview of Steganography for the Computer Forensics Examiner - Has quite a long list of tools and some other useful information.
  • Steganography Detection - Some more information about Steganography.
  • Steganography Detection with Stegdetect - Stegdetect is an automated tool for detecting steganographic content in images. It is capable of detecting several different steganographic methods to embed hidden information in JPEG images. The tool hasn't been updated in quite a while but it was the best looking free tool I could find with a quick search.

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