Devices with cryptic names (hangzhou device) and Chinese ip addresses connected to my router

8.2K    Asked by AnishaDalal in SQL Server , Asked on Dec 3, 2021

Please see the image. Does anyone have any idea of what’s going on? They come and go as attached devices in my attached devices list. I also attached my router log for you all to see.

Answered by alex Duncan

These are not real devices. Your network device has some sort of memory fault and is displaying memory as "addresses". You can see that the device names contain sections of some JavaScript-like code. The IP and MAC addresses, when ASCII-decoded, show similar data: Not coincidentally, the "BC:3B:" in the last address is the same as the beginning of your first MAC address listed, which @Anti-weakpasswords notes belong to an Apple device. I would recommend rebooting your device and checking for any available firmware updates from NETGEAR.

How to Tell What Unknown Devices like Hangzhou device are Connected to Your Router

 1) Navigate to the IP address for the router's administrative app. This IP address is usually or Many Netgear routers also use the domain name for the administrative interface.

 2) Log in with the administrative username and password. Refer to the router’s user manual for the defaults for these credentials.

3) Click the “Status” option in the top navigation bar of the Linksys interface, click “Local Network,” and then click “DHCP Clients Table.” This table identifies all devices connected to the router by the device name, IP address, and MAC address. On a Netgear   router, click the “Attached Devices” link in the left navigation panel under the Maintenance heading. The Attached Devices table opens, displaying the device name, IP address, and MAC address of each connected device.

Your Answer

Answer (1)

If you notice devices with cryptic names like "Hangzhou Device" and Chinese IP addresses connected to your router, it's important to investigate further to ensure the security of your network. Here are some steps you can take:

Check Device Security: Determine if any unauthorized devices are connected to your network. Log in to your router's admin interface and review the list of connected devices. If you find any unfamiliar devices, consider blocking them from accessing your network.

Change Wi-Fi Password: If you suspect unauthorized access, change your Wi-Fi password immediately. Use a strong, complex password to prevent unauthorized users from connecting to your network.

Update Router Firmware: Ensure that your router's firmware is up to date. Manufacturers often release security patches and updates to address vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

Enable MAC Address Filtering: Consider enabling MAC address filtering on your router. This feature allows you to specify which devices are allowed to connect to your network based on their MAC addresses.

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