Explain the relationship er diagram for hotel management system?

1.7K    Asked by DipikaAgarwal in SQL Server , Asked on Mar 14, 2023

 I tried creating an ERD model for hotel reservation and billing. Are the cardinalities correct, I'm a bit confused about that. And are there any attributes that are not in the right place? 

Answered by elonjigar

Your er diagram for hotel management system looks mostly complete, though the BookingID field in Guest seems a little pessimistic. What will you do if a guest wants to stay at the hotel again in the future? As you already have a relation between Guest and Booking via GuestID, you can probably remove BookingID from Guest. A similar thing can be done in Bill as, if you know the BookingID then you know the GuestID. So GuestID can be removed from Bill … if you choose, of course. You don’t need to make either change.

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