How can a table be passed as parameter to another procedure?

1.1K    Asked by KevinTaylor in SQL Server , Asked on Jan 14, 2020
Answered by Rachit Gupta

To pass a table from one procedure to another first we need to create a user-defined table type. In which we will define the table.

CREATE type [dbo].[EmployType] as table


            [EmployID] [int] NULL,

            [EmployName] [varchar](30) NULL,

            [EmploySalary] [int] NULL


Then create a permanent table in which data will be inserted in the procedure

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employ]


            [EmployID] [int] NULL,

            [EmployName] [varchar](30) NULL,

            [EmploySalary] [int] NULL


Now create a procedure with passing the table as the parameter. Note that the table passed will remain as readonly type

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.EmployDetailProcedure

 ( @EmployDetail dbo.EmployType READONLY )




   INSERT INTO dbo.[Employ] ([EmployID], [EmployName], [EmploySalary])

   SELECT [EmployID], [EmployName], [EmploySalary] FROM @EmployDetail


Now executing the procedure via passing the table to the procedure as table

DECLARE @EmployVariable AS EmployType

INSERT INTO @EmployVariable([EmployID], [EmployName], [EmploySalary]) VALUES(1,'Alex','200000')

EXEC dbo.EmployDetailProcedure @EmployVariable  

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