How can I use “order_by” of Sqlalchemy to retrieve data in descending and ascending order?

1.7K    Asked by dhanan_7781 in SQL Server , Asked on Dec 13, 2023

I am currently working on a project that includes a vast database of orders of customers. I need to retrieve these order details in ascending and descending order. How can I use SQLAlchemy’s “order_ by” feature to perform my task? 

Answered by Daniel Cameron

 In the context of SQL the “SQLAlchemy order by” is used to retrieve the database ( customers orders derails in your scenario) into ascending and descending order. Here is the example given of how you can fetch the details of the orders of customers in ascending and descending order based on their timestamps:-

From sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String
From sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
From sqlalchemy.orm import session maker
# Create a connection to the database

Engine = create_engine(‘sqlite:///your_database.db’, echo=True) # Replace with your actual database URL

Base = declarative_base()
# Define the Order model
Class Order(Base):
    __tablename__ = ‘orders’
    Id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    Customer_name = Column(String)
    Order_amount = Column(Integer)
# Create the table if it doesn’t exist
# Create a session
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
Session = Session()
# Retrieve data in ascending order of order_amount
Ascending_results = session.query(Order).order_by(Order.order_amount.asc()).all()
Print(“Ascending order:”)
For order in ascending_results:
    Print(f”Customer: {order.customer_name}, Order Amount: {order.order_amount}”)
# Retrieve data in descending order of order_amount
Descending_results = session.query(Order).order_by(Order.order_amount.desc()).all()
Descending order:”)
For order in descending_results:
    Print(f”Customer: {order.customer_name}, Order Amount: {order.order_amount}”)
# Close the session

In this above example the “order.timestamp.asc() and “order.timestamp.desc()” sorts your order details of customers into ascending and descending order respectively.

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