How can I use the git command to show a remote URL?

374    Asked by ColemanGarvin in SQL Server , Asked on Jun 26, 2024

I am currently engaged in a particular task related to GitHub. For this specific task, I need to confirm the remote URL of the repository to ensure that I am pushing and pulling from the correct remote. I have recently switched to the branches and now I want to double-check or cross-check that my repository is still correctly linked with the expected Remote or not. How can I use the git command to show the remote URL and what would be the command to update the remote URL if it is incorrect? 

Answered by David WHITE

You can easily show the remote URL of the particular repository by using the following command:-

  ‘git remote -v’

This above command would help you in listing the remote URLs along with their fetch and push permission.

If you find that the remote URL is incorrect and you want to update it, you can use the following command:-

  “git remote set-url origin ”

You can replace the with the correct remote URL for your particular repository.

Here is the Python-based example given below:-

Import subprocess

Def run_command(command):
    “””Run a shell command and return its output.”””
        Result =, check=True, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        Return result.stdout.decode(‘utf-8’).strip()
    Except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        Print(f”An error occurred: {e.stderr.decode(‘utf-8’)}”)
        Return None
Def show_remote_url():
    “””Display the current remote URL of the Git repository.”””
    Print(“Fetching the current remote URL…”)
    Remote_url = run_command(“git remote get-url origin”)
    If remote_url:
        Print(f”Current remote URL: {remote_url}”)
        Print(“Failed to fetch the remote URL.”)
    Return remote_url
Def check_remote_url(expected_url):
    “””Check if the current remote URL matches the expected URL.”””
    Current_url = show_remote_url()
    If current_url:
        If current_url == expected_url:
            Print(“The remote URL is correct.”)
            Print(f”The remote URL is incorrect. Expected: {expected_url}, but found: {current_url}”)
            Return False
    Return True
Def update_remote_url(new_url):
    “””Update the remote URL of the Git repository.”””
    Print(f”Updating the remote URL to {new_url}…”)
    Result = run_command(f”git remote set-url origin {new_url}”)
    If result is None:
        Print(“Remote URL updated successfully.”)


        Print(“Failed to update the remote URL.”)
Def main():
    “””Main function to handle the remote URL verification and update.”””
    # The expected correct remote URL for the repository
    Expected_remote_url =
    # Step 1: Show the current remote URL
Step 1: Show the current remote URL”)
    # Step 2: Check the remote URL against the expected URL
Step 2: Check the remote URL”)
    If not check_remote_url(expected_remote_url):
        # Step 3: Prompt the user to input the correct URL and update
Step 3: Update the remote URL if necessary”)
        Correct_url = input(“Enter the correct remote URL: “).strip()
# Run the main function
If __name__ == “__main__”:

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