How can stored procedure retrieve from a database?

989    Asked by GrahamCook in SQL Server , Asked on Jan 5, 2020
Answered by Ranjana Admin

Your Answer

Answer (1)

It can be retrieved in two ways:

Via GUI:

1. Connect to server

2. Connect to the database

3. Click on the database and expand--> Click on Programmability --> Click on stored Procedure --> you will get the list of procedures

4. Right click on procedure name à script stored procedure asà create to à click on New Query Editor window, the you will get the procedure in a new window, you can edit it and execute it again to save the changes on server.

Via Command:

1. Connect to server

2. Connect to the database

Query: sp_helptext 'Procedure_name'

Execute the query( using F5/ execute button)

4 Years


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