How can you fetch the data from different types of server (oracle/ big data/Teradata) to SQL server, within a procedure?
In Server there is a system function named: OPENQUERY () which supports you to fetch the data from different servers. For using this we need to follow the below steps:
1. Create a Linked server connection in SQL server with all the details such as:
EXEC [dbo].[CreateStdLinkedServer]
@LinkedServerName = ‘Link_server_name+ addtype’,
@ServerProduct = 'Oracle/ big data/Teradata ',
@DataSource = 'Database name/service name',
@IdentityForwarding = 'FALSE',
@Username = 'User_ name to connect the server',
@Password = 'password of the user',
@debug = 1;
2. Now you can connect using the open query with the syntax: OPENQUERY (linked servername, query with the schema etc.)
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([LinkedServerName],'SELECT * from schema_name.table_name')