How do I use where Max SQL?

437    Asked by ranjan_6399 in SQL Server , Asked on Feb 7, 2023

I am attempting to use MAX() in my WHERE clause but I am getting an error of Msg 4145, Level 15, State 1, Line 10

An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ')'.

This is the output I expect from working syntax

Blue - 3
green - 0
orange - 1
pink - 1
black - 0
white - 2
Here is sample table structure and the query I tried - how can I successfully use MAX() in the WHERE clause?
Declare @Hold Table 
  id int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1,1), 
  name varchar(500), 
  logoncount int
Insert Into @HOld (name, logoncount) Values
('blue', 1),('blue', 2), ('blue', 3)
,('green', NULL), ('orange', 1), ('pink', 1)
,('black', NULL), ('white', 1), ('white', 2)
FROM @Hold
WHERE logoncount = (select max(logoncount) from @Hold)
Answered by Ranjana Admin

To use where Max SQL, I prefer this approach... you only have to reference the table once, and you have a lot more flexibility for handling ties or determining which tie wins.

;WITH x(id, name, logoncount, rn) AS 
  SELECT id, name, COALESCE(logoncount,0), ROW_NUMBER() OVER
    -- if you want ties, use DENSE_RANK() instead of ROW_NUMBER()
      PARTITION BY name ORDER BY logoncount DESC
      -- if you don't want ties, add other columns for further tie-breaking
  FROM @Hold
SELECT id, name, logoncount FROM x WHERE rn = 1;
If you later decide you don't want NULLs, you can simply filter them out in the inner query (FROM @hold WHERE logoncount IS NOT NULL).

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