How to access old phone number and recover it?

919    Asked by ankur_3579 in SQL Server , Asked on Dec 9, 2021

Over the last few years, many online portals, email and social networks have linked user accounts with mobile numbers that can be used for account recovery, this way was pretty cool and secure as well.

In many cases when someone moves to a new country they will lose access to their old mobile number and will not remember to change the linked phone number until they need to recover the account, but at this stage that will be too late as they will no longer have access to the account.

My question is, in this scenario how to access old phone number when you have no access to the phone number and there is no other recovery mechanism such as a linked email?

Answered by Ankur vaish

In such a case, contacting the support of the company on ‘how to access old phone number’ would be the only option left. The support staff will be able to escalate it to support engineers that will manually reset your account for you, or update your mobile phone number to the present one so you can complete the recovery steps.

 How To Access Old Phone Number

However, there could be some places that you could check to retrieve old phone numbers:

  • Check your old tax records: If you have used your cell phone for business purposes but haven't expensed the costs, you may have included past cell phone bills as write-offs in your tax records from previous years.
  • Scan old emails: Most of the larger email companies like Google and Yahoo keep your sent mail on their servers for up to 3 or 4 years. You may have emailed your cell phone number to someone during that time.
  • Power up your old phones: If you are someone who saves old cell phones for a rainy day, this is that day. Power up each old phone and look under the "Settings" section to see what your number was on that particular phone.
  • Ask your parents and friends: Your mom and dad probably have every phone number you've ever used written in an ancient address book. Your friends may also have your old number in their phones or may be able to access old phone records in which they called you on your old cell number.
  • Check your local gym: If you signed up for a contract at your gym during the same time period as you owned your previous cell phone, you probably used that phone number when you signed the contract.
  • Check your credit report: Your previous addresses and phone numbers are often listed in the "Identity" section of your credit report.

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