How to check the logs in report server database?

1.1K    Asked by ROHITJhadav in SQL Server , Asked on Nov 28, 2019
Answered by Prateek Jain

Logs in the database can be checked by either tables or pre-defined views. If any developer who has proper level of knowledge about the reporting server db then it’s easier to check the logs via table. However, there is another easy to use the logs. Reporting server Logs are primary execution logs. Reporting server database primarily gets created in the SSRS instance of sql server. You can check information like count of report execution, processing time, output format used most. It also tells specific time set about how much time it took to render and execute the data set query. Please find below query: 

select * from [dbo].[ExecutionLog]

select * from [dbo].[ExecutionLog2]

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