How to differentiate emails between real zix message center and phishing?

198    Asked by DanPeters in SQL Server , Asked on Aug 4, 2023

 I received a call from a user in a remote office who has got an email that contains a zix secure email message. It leads to the page which also has an area to insert the google mail account and password to decrypt the email. It appears as if the zix is a valid agency offering safe email. However, I cannot distinguish between the real and fake sites. How do I distinguish between the two?

Answered by Danna sahi

This occurs because the mail or web shield must be capable of scanning the web traffic prior to being saved on the computer. Scanning encrypted SSL/TLS sockets need the assurance that Avast can decrypt the connection. Avast can do so by producing its personal certificate with an authentic decryption key, followed by signing them with a personal Root certificate from Avast installed on the system. This also harms internet privacy. The intervening attacks by an individual exchanging the site’s keys to the personal so that tier tapping on your connection is ignored by the browser. Unsafe web certificates will be granted by the browser, and the entire idea of safe, and valid connections is unnoticed.

A checkbox is available in ‘preferences’ in Avast that states “ scan secured connections”. Turn it off if you want the internet privacy to be safe.

Zix Message Center vs ZixPort - Few messages will be sent to the web portal to be decrypted and safely transferred to the recipient over SSL.

Everyone receives the Zix message center, a standardized interface that offers safe SSL security to the recipient’s PC.

Also, you can update to the zixport interface which offers more control on the interface. You can alter the contact details, and include it in a website link so the clients can start safe interaction from your website.

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