How to get Torrent Scan for any malware before downloading a file?
Is there any way to carry out a torrent scan way to check if a torrent file has malware or not, before actually downloading it via uTorrent f.e. I only know the VirusTotal site. Is this one reliable? Because each time I passed a link in it, it says that the link/file is safe. So I am not sure if every single link/file I paste on the site is clear and safe or just the web doesn't detect malware well.
The best option for me for torrent scan would be to have a way to check it on the web without downloading 3rd party apps.
Before downloading the file, you can see if there is a virus by doing the following:
- Check the comments. If there are spam comments or comments that are irrelevant to the content, then it is mostly like a virus.
- Check to the file extension. If you are trying to torrent music, movies, books, or documents, then your file should not end in the extension .exe. If there is a .exe file and you’re not downloading a program, then the file is a virus.
- Next, are the ways to tell if the file is a virus when the file is in the downloading state. Here are the ways:
If a new tab or new window of your browser opens while downloading the file, it is probably a virus. If the web page that you download the file from, starts to redirect to another site while downloading the file, it is probably a virus. Last, but least are the ways to know if there is a virus after the file has been downloaded. Here are the ways: Run a torrent scan with your antivirus and if your antivirus detects something, it is probably a virus. Most antivirus will automatically quarantine malicious files, but they won’t delete them. If a malicious program starts to automatically install itself on your computer without you manually or giving it permission to install itself, it is probably a virus.