How to insert a date in SQL?

494    Asked by AshishSinha in SQL Server , Asked on Dec 29, 2023

Currently I am designing a database for a library system in which I need to insert the current date when a new book is added to the inventory. What is the SQL query for adding a date in SQL? 

Answered by Chloe Burgess

In the context of SQL, the answer for how to insert date in SQL is that you can insert the date while adding a new book to the inventory by using the GETDATE() function. Here is the example given by using SQL syntax:-

INSERT INTO Books (BookTitle, Author, DateAdded)
VALUES (‘Book Title’, ‘Author Name’, GETDATE());

This above query would help you insert a new row into the “Book” table in which you would get the book’s title, author, and current date and time. You can also change the “Book Title” and “Author Name” according to your actual title and author of the book being added.

The GETDATE () function can retrieve the current system of date and time in the server if SQL. However, if you are using a different Database such as MYSQL or PostgreSQL then they might have different functions such as NOW() in MySQL. This ensures that you achieve the precise date and time in the inventory of the library which aids you in tracking and management.

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