How to show databases in oracle?

644    Asked by DeirdreCameron in SQL Server , Asked on Sep 30, 2022

 Is there an equivalent to MySQL SHOW DATABASES statement?

Is it possible to find databases in a cluster? i.e. databases present on the network on some other system?

Could I analyze the files present on an Oracle installation to find the same?

Given complete access credentials to an Oracle system how would you go about enumerating all the databases that exist?

Answered by Delbert Rauch

To show databases in oracle -

Simply speaking, there is no direct analogy for MySQL 'databases' or a 'cluster' on Oracle: the closest match is a 'schema' but that is still very different.

This is apparently going to change in 12c with the introduction of pluggable databases:

Dividing the database operations cleanly from the user's content is a major transformation from traditional database architectures. Oracle 11g, and all its predecessors, could only run one database at a time, Kyte said. If an organization wanted to run multiple databases on a single server, it would need to run multiple instances of Oracle 11g, one for each database. As the name implies, pluggable databases allow multiple tenant databases to run under one copy of Oracle 12c.

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