What is the phpmyadmin default password?

328    Asked by DavidEdmunds in SQL Server , Asked on Jan 31, 2023

I downloaded and installed phpMyAdmin 4.8.5 on my windows. Upon opening it in the browser, it immediately asks for a Username and Password. I tried to submit the root for the username while leaving the password black. I even try password as password. Unluckily, both didn't work by default.

So I checked the web and I saw this from stackoverflow. Unfortunately, all of the given answers did not work for me and hello no, the thread is already closed.

Answered by Claudine Tippins

To get the phpmyadmin default password-

Open phpmyadmin directory
You will see config.sample.inc php file
Clone it, but remove the sample from the title
After cloning, open the file config.inc and look for $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;
Set it to true
By doing this, we are allowing the phpMyAdmin to submit an empty password.
Now, try root as a username and leave the password blank.

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