I Am Seeing The “Failed To Start Metasploit.Service: Unit Metasploit.Service Failed To Load” Error. How Do I Solve It?
I have been trying to set up Metasploit for penetration testing.
However, I am unable to get the database to connect. Also whenever I attempt to start the service using service metasploit start I get the following error:
“failed to start metasploit.service
unit metasploit.service failed to load
no such file or directory”
I find this odd because I am able to run the program using:
Msfconsole I haven't been able to find any solutions online yet, can anyone here help me out?
If you receive the error - failed to start metasploit.service -
service --status-all
service postgresql start
service postgresql status
msfdb init
msf > db_status