I got IP logged. What does it mean? Should I be worried?

4.7K    Asked by AnilJha in SQL Server , Asked on Dec 3, 2021

I clicked a link on my phone that someone sent me. It contained an IP-logger. What information did they get from it? I'm scared because they have my IP, and god knows what other info. How bad is this and what should I do? What can they do with it?

Answered by Anil Mer

Having your IP logged is not that a big deal as you may think. Every single site you visit (and every single subresource they load, like ads) gets your IP. All your IP says is what ISP you use, and what general part of the world you are probably located in. Especially if you are using a phone your IP changes often (e.g. as soon as you switch to a new cell tower) and you probably already have a new one. So there’s nothing you have to worry about someone knowing your IP. But still, visiting shady websites isn't without risk, it's just not directly related to IP logging.

What does IP logged mean? Comment IP logging means the IP address of the computer that was used to post a comment is displayed in the comment. The IP address is a number which partially identifies a computer posting to the Internet. When you comment on an entry, you will receive a warning notice if IP logging is turned on.

Your Answer

Answer (1)

If you received a message stating that your IP has been logged, it means that your internet protocol (IP) address has been recorded by a system or server. This could happen for various reasons:

Security Monitoring: Some websites, servers, or network devices may log IP addresses as part of their security measures to track and monitor access to their systems. This could be for analyzing traffic patterns, detecting potential security threats, or troubleshooting network issues.

Authentication: Systems may log IP addresses as part of their authentication and access control mechanisms. For example, when you log in to a website or service, your IP address may be recorded to verify your identity and track your session.

Legal Compliance: In certain situations, IP logging may be required for legal or regulatory purposes. For example, internet service providers (ISPs) may log IP addresses to comply with data retention laws or in response to law enforcement requests.

Whether you should be worried depends on the context and the reason why your IP address was logged:

Normal Operation: In many cases, IP logging is a routine part of system operation and does not indicate any cause for concern. It's simply a way for systems to keep track of who is accessing them and when.

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