Is it possible to trace a stolen gift card?

459    Asked by DianaCampbell in SQL Server , Asked on Aug 3, 2023

 I was in a retail store yesterday where I found people talking about how easy it is for people to utilize stolen credit cards and purchase the visa gift cards without being traced after buying the gift cards. I want to know if a stolen gift card can be traced or not?

Answered by Darsh K

Every prepaid gift card needs some sort of registration where they accumulate various details such as your name, address, pin code, and contact number. The gift card is converted to an account, and you can see the buying history similar to a usual credit card. You don’t need to expose everything that is true about you. While activating the card, you can enter fake details. You can visit a store located far-off. You can pay in cash, that implies you do not possess records from the credit card agency to link the identity with. In case you have cash, you evade the tracking process. If you are not truthful to the company, it’s easy to dodge identification.

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