Is This Google Mail From Gaia.Bounces.Google.Com Legit Or Another Way Of Scam?

488    Asked by DianaCampbell in SQL Server , Asked on Aug 4, 2023

I have received mail that’s written in Portuguese, although I am from Spain. The account is a hotmail one that is used by me as a backup account. It’s listed on a while ago but I modified my passwords a few months back. I want to know if the is a legit one or not, as I have received email from this address?

Answered by dia shrinidhi

The email received from is valid. It is signed with the right certificate from Google. Google does verify the database of leaked credentials to recover the email address. Chrome can check hashes of the password as well with the database of leaked credentials. ALso, your email states that it arrives from Google and the sender’s email suId supports that. The account holder is recognized by name. A mouse hovering on each link shows they indicate a site and majority of the links have https where the s denotes security.

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