Openvas V/S Nessus - Which Is More Beneficial?

659    Asked by Amitraj in SQL Server , Asked on Nov 18, 2022

When we compare Openvas v/s Nessus, both appear to have fairly similar features. Why would you choose one over the other, besides the benefit of commercial support (which isn't available for Nessus Home Feed users anyways)?

Answered by Amit raj

Openvas vs nessus

Given the history behind Nessus and the later development of OpenVAS, it’s not surprising that these two vulnerability scanners are regularly compared with each other. While they each have their own strengths, Nessus stands out as the stronger product overall for enterprises that can afford the price tag. The combination of a modern user interface, extensive plugins, templates, and diverse platform support, provides a superior monitoring experience to that of OpenVAS. One of the few advantages OpenVAS has over Nessus is its low cost. As a result, OpenVAS is likely to be a better fit for those organizations that require a vulnerability scanning solution but can’t or don’t want to pay for a more expensive solution. For most enterprises that have the budget, Nessus is the natural choice of the two for an optimal vulnerability scanning experience.

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