How to use pygame.KEYDOWN?

680    Asked by AishwaryaJhadav in SQL Server , Asked on Jun 20, 2021

My main question is that I have produced two functions, that will check for an event:

def get_pygame_events():

  pygame_events = pygame.event.get()

  return pygame_events


def get_keys_pressed(self):

  keys_pressed = get_pygame_events()  #pygame.event.get(pygame.KEYDOWN)

  # print(keys_pressed)

  keys_pressed_list = []

  for event in keys_pressed:

    if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:

      if event.key == K_LEFT:


      if event.key == K_RIGHT:


      if event.key == K_UP:


      if event.key == K_DOWN:


      if event.key == K_a:


      if  event.key == K_d:


      if event.key == K_w:


      if event.key == K_s:


      if event.key == K_SPACE:


      if event.key == K_q:


      if event.key == K_e:


    if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:


      return (keys_pressed_list, event.pos)

  return keys_pressed_list

I expected that if I could do something similar to:

while True:

  Variable1 = get_pygame_events()

  Variable2 = get_keys_pressed()

  if Variable2 == ["w"]:


How can I update my code so that by holding down the W (or any) key, it should identify the event happening, and in my case, it should print the w every time it passes through the while loop? And how to use  pygame.keydown ?


Answered by alex GONZALEZ

Your Answer

Answer (1)

Access to third-party applications is the goal of this. The other is self-explanatory: you don't want to deal with problems when someone tries to launch a malicious attack on your account via a third-party app slice master. Thus, there is no way that this function may be enabled when logging in with a different user account.  

6 Months


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