What are the reasons for getting strange characters such as A~, ¢ , a^, € ?

286    Asked by Aalapprabhakaran in SQL Server , Asked on Nov 7, 2023

I was managing a database text store. It was going well but suddenly I was facing continually strange characters such as   a$a a®a a a a$a. Now I am not able to understand its meaning and reasons why are they teasing me. Provide me some help to know its root cause and solutions to get rid off these strange characters. 

When you use a database text store you may find some strange characters such as A~ ¢ , a^, € a$a a®a a a a$a . This may appear due to issues regarding encoding and incorrect character sets. Therefore, the root cause of getting these unusual characters in the interpretation of data during data input and retrieval. It can also occur when you use data transfer, especially when various and wide ranges of system conflicting character sets.

If you want to resolve the issues of these strange character sets then you will need to identify mistakes in the encoding format and thereafter correct it. There are such tools available by using you can get your correct desired coding. For instance, iconv is one of the examples of this type of tools. Therefore, try to inspect your data on a frequent basis and enforce consistent coding. These techniques will also help you not find these teasing characters.

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