What is the MySQL command to clear screen?

337    Asked by Unnatigautam in SQL Server , Asked on Dec 12, 2023

I was extensively working on executing queries on a command line interface of MySQL when I encountered a situation where I was unable to focus on the screen as it was cluttered. What command should I use within the MySQL command to clear the screen to maintain focus? 

Answered by Chloe Burgess

 In the context of SQL if your screen is cluttered during working and you want to get it clear, there is a MySQL clear screen command available whose name is “! Clear” or “/!cls” command.

The “! Clear” command can be used in Linux or Unix operating systems while “/!cls” can be used in Windows operating systems. Both commands invoke the the shell command of the system from the MySQL command line interface, which leads to get clear screen and provides a clean workspace.

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