What to do if identity_insert is on?

840    Asked by ranjan_6399 in SQL Server , Asked on Sep 30, 2022

How can I insert an ID into an identity column in SQL Server? I'll make a special item into my table and I will quickly detect that item by the ID. So because all other IDs are bigger or equal to one, I will give that special item the ID zero.

The problem is now, when I've created that table I've placed the identity of the column ID on true. If I insert now the special item with code below, I've got next error:

INSERT INTO MyTable(ID, Name, Description) 
VALUES (0, 'Special title', 'special item');
Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table MyTable when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

How can I change this table, column or property so I can create a record with ID zero?

Answered by Ranjana Admin
If identity_insert is on -

Explicit identity insert requires IDENTITY_INSERT property set to ON.
SET IDENTITY_INSERT MyTable ON -- Statement Allows explicit values to be inserted into
                                -- the identity column of a table.
INSERT INTO MyTable(ID, Name, Description)
VALUES (0, 'Special title', 'special item');
SET IDENTITY_INSERT MyTable OFF -- Statement revert granted permission

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