Which is a privilege in SQL standard?

236    Asked by camero_1295 in SQL Server , Asked on Jul 8, 2024

Which one of the given options is a privilege in SQL standard? Here are the options given below:-


Answered by Coleman Garvin

In the context of SQL, among all the options given above the right option is option 1 which refers to the SELECT. The SELECT statement in SQL is used to retrieve the data from a particular database. It is very fundamental for querying information stored in the tables. Here is how you can generally use it:-

Basic SELECT statement to retrieve all columns from a table

SELECT * FROM TableName;
Selecting specific columns
SELECT column1, column2 FROM TableName;

Using aliases for columns

  SELECT column1 AS Alias1, column2 AS Alias2 FROM TableName;

Retrieving data based on conditions

SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE condition;
Ordering results
Limiting the number of rows returned
SELECT * FROM TableName LIMIT number;
Joining tables to retrieve data from multiple tables
SELECT t1.column1, t2.column2
FROM Table1 t1
INNER JOIN Table2 t2 ON t1.id = t2.id;

In this example

  • The SELECT would retrieve all the columns from the specific table.
  • SELECT column 1, column 2 would help in retrieving the specific columns.
  • SELECT column AS Alias would be assigned an alias to a column.
  • WHERE clause would help in filtering rows based on the specific conditions.
  • ORDER BY can sort the results in ascending or even descending order.

LIMIT would restrict the number of rows returned.

JOIN clauses would allow combining the data from the multiple tables based on the specified relationship.

The CONNECT _ TO_ NETWORK does not have any Direct concept as a privilege or Command like the SELECT in the context of SQL.

The ACCESS log typically refers to the ability to view or even manage the life that records access and activities within the database system in the context of SQL or database. However, the SQL itself cannot have a direct command or even privileged named ACCESS LOGS.

In the context of SQL, there is no direct relationship with the MODIFY HARDWARE as an SQL command or even privileged. SQL primarily focuses on managing data and querying data within a database rather than modifying the hardware components.

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