Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve a maximum value?
am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to database management systems. In this task, I have been assigned to retrieve the highest salary from an employee table. Which SQL keyword should I use to retrieve the maximum value from a specific Column in the database table?
In the context of SQL, the keyword used to retrieve all the maximum values from a particular Column in a database table is MAX(). Here is an example of how you can use it in a query:-
SELECT MAX(salary) AS max_salaryFROM employee;
In this example:
The MAX() would help in calculating the maximum value in the salary Column of the employee table.
AS max Salary would help in assigning an alias max _ salary for getting the results, which can be useful for the readability or even further processing in your particular application.
This particular query would return a single row with the highest salary which is found in the tables called Employees under the column alias max_salary.
Here is also a java based program given of how you can retrieve the maximum value from a particular Database by using the JDBC:-
Import java.sql.Connection;
Import java.sql.DriverManager;
Import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
Import java.sql.ResultSet;
Import java.sql.SQLException;
Public class MaxValueExample {
// JDBC URL, username, and password of MySQL server
Private static final String JDBC_URL = “jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/your_database_name”;
Private static final String JDBC_USER = “your_username”;
Private static final String JDBC_PASSWORD = “your_password”;
// SQL query to retrieve maximum salary from employee table
Private static final String SQL_QUERY = “SELECT MAX(salary) AS max_salary FROM employee”;
Public static void main(String[] args) {
// Establishing a connection to the database
Try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(JDBC_URL, JDBC_USER, JDBC_PASSWORD);
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(SQL_QUERY);
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery()) {
// Processing the result set
If (resultSet.next()) {
Double maxSalary = resultSet.getDouble(“max_salary”);
System.out.println(“Maximum salary in the employee table: “ + maxSalary);
} else {
System.out.println(“No records found in the employee table.”);
} catch (SQLException e) {
Here is also a Python-based example given below by using the MySQL-connector library to connect to a MySQL database and retrieving the maximum Salary from an employee table:-
Import mysql.connector
# Database connection configuration
Config = {
‘host’: ‘localhost’,
‘user’: ‘your_username’,
‘password’: ‘your_password’,
‘database’: ‘your_database_name’
# SQL query to retrieve maximum salary
Sql_query = “SELECT MAX(salary) AS max_salary FROM employee”
# Establishing a connection to the database
Connection = mysql.connector.connect(**config)
# Creating a cursor object using the connection
Cursor = connection.cursor()
# Executing the SQL query
# Fetching the result
Result = cursor.fetchone()
# Processing the result
If result:
Max_salary = result[0]
Print(f”Maximum salary in the employee table: {max_salary}”)
Print(“No records found in the employee table.”)
Except mysql.connector.Error as error:
Print(f”Error connecting to MySQL: {error}”)
# Closing cursor and connection
If ‘cursor’ in locals() and cursor:
If ‘connection’ in locals() and connection.is_connected():