Which SQL statement is used to return only different values in MS SQL?

289    Asked by DanielCameron in SQL Server , Asked on Nov 23, 2023

During Ms SQL training, I was keen to know the explanation of SQL statement which is used to return only the different or distinct values from the table. Can you provide me with the solutions to my doubts? 

Answered by Danilo Guidi

I want to get a return by using MS SQL training even with only a different value then you can use the ' SELECT DISTINCT' statement. It can guide you through fetching the unique values from the column which will you specify in the table. This statement provides you the assurance that non-repeated values should be given to you as the return in the result set. For example:-

SELECT DISTINCT column_name 
FROM table_name;

You can replace the 'column_ name ' with the column in which you are interested. You can also replace the ‘table name’ according to your needs and requirements. The result will only be the unique values if you follow the specified structure. The answer for which SQL statement is used to return only different value is that you can use this statement when you are keen to eliminate duplicate entries and values and want to focus on distinct entries and values.

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