Why getting error during sql server 2014 enterprise edition download ?

511    Asked by ClareMatthews in SQL Server , Asked on Jul 19, 2021

This error occurs when I run the setup.exe of SQL 2014.

enter image description here

It tried changing the compatibility mode of the setup from Windows 95 through Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) and run the setup as Admin but same error occurs.

I also installed .Net Framework 4.0 and 4.5. Under the Programs And Features > "Turn Windows features On and Off" > I enabled the "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1" but I found a guide that there should be .Net Framework 2.0 and 3.0 under the Microsoft .NET folder but those 2 versions are missing in my pc. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/newmsn/forum/newmsn_install-newmsn_updateapp/i-cant-install-sql-server-2014-on-windows-10/6d311401-796f-4b3f-b5be-d310cfa6454c?auth=1 When I tried installing those two versions I get the following error "You must use Turn Windows features On and Off in the Control Panel to install or configure Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP2" same as the SP1 version of .Net Framework 3.0 How do I install SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition?

Answered by Cameron Oliver

Here are the Steps for sql server 2014 enterprise edition download

  • Step 1: Click on the downloaded file and Run the file.
  • Step 2: Accept the license terms and click Next.
  • Step 3: On the Feature Selection screen, keep the defaults.
  • Step 4: On instance configuration screen, select “Named Instance” and name the database you want and click.

According to Microsoft you have to pay for these versions of their operating system if you want to run their "Enterprise" SQL Server.

  • Windows Server 2016 Datacenter
  • Windows Server 2016 Standard
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2012 Datacenter 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2012 Standard 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2012 Essentials 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2012 Foundation 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Datacenter 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Web 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 SP2 Datacenter 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 SP2 Enterprise 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 SP2 Standard 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008 SP2 Web 64-bit

It also seems to run with the same versions in 32-bit, it just stores them in a separate column and amusing Microsoft can't fill an HTML table properly (nor can they generate Markdown-friendly urls.) Interestingly, "SQL Server Standard" runs on

  • Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate 64-bit
  • Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise 64-bit
  • Windows 7 SP1 Professional 64-bit

So the question is

What feature does Enterprise do that Standard doesn't that requires Windows Server 2008 (released in February 27, 2008) instead of the newer Windows 7 Ultimate (released in October 22, 2009)? I assume nothing, except licensing and marketing wank. It seems you're at impasse, so I suggest upgrading your operating system, and upgrading your database server. It may also be worth nothing that other people have managed to do this. Sean Gallardy, whose profile claims insider information,

commented on DBA.se

it may physically install, but it's not supported at all. Kind of like those trying to use wine, etc, to get it to run on Linux  I'm also with you, use developer edition if absolutely needed for something like this (if dev applies to the workload). - Sean Gallardy Of course, details omitted we have no idea why it wasn't supported or what the "serious limits" are (from the context of the conversation).. Betting it's still a hold up for more cash. Perhaps you can find a new version of Enterprise without this software-imposed restriction.

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