W's the best way to block chrome extensionshat?

452    Asked by amit_2689 in SQL Server , Asked on Jan 3, 2022

How can I prevent the installation of Chrome extensions on desktop?

Answered by Andrea Bailey

On Mac, to block chrome extensions -

I haven’t had success with filesystem permissions I could write a cron script to delete the folder every minute, but that felt too brute-force I've seen the reference to use a group policy. I'm not familiar with that and didn't find the instructions clear to follow, so I've settled for configuring a Folder Action Script to just delete the extension's folder whenever it's created:

Open Script Editor

Create a script with the following: on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items tell application "Finder" repeat with added_item in added_items if name of added_item is "" then delete added_item end repeat end tell end adding folder items to Save it to ~/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/ or /Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/ Right-click ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions Choose Configure Folder Actions to add the created script to the folder In my experience, this is enough. The folder is not deleted immediately, but with a delay of a few seconds. Chrome's attempts to restore the folder each time you start it aren't successful. You can hear Finder's 'file deleted' sound.

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